Pickleball has been around for a few years and I had wanted to try it so added it to my most recent list of 50 Things. I had no idea where to start. I hadn’t even seen it being played and had no idea what to expect. When I mentioned that I wanted to try it to an acquaintance, she quickly lined up her neighbor (a pickle ball superstar and coincidentally an instructor) to provide us with lessons. For two consecutive Saturday mornings, we (along with two others “recruits”) met at a local pickleball court to begin our instruction.
If you have tried pickle ball, you know it can be addictive. I describe it as a cross between tennis and ping-pong. I often hear how senior citizens love pickleball and I imagine that’s true but it is a surprisingly good workout. Of course, you can decide to take it easy or go hard but if you are a competitive person, you are likely to find yourself sweating pretty quickly. I introduced it to my children and even though they are a long way off from being senior citizens, they loved it too.
Many of the things on my 50 Things list are activities I try once and forget and others are things I stick with. Pickleball is one of those things that I can see myself doing for quite awhile.
If you want to learn more about Pickleball, I strongly suggest taking at least an introductory class first. Most classes should provide what you need to at least try it out (paddle, balls, and net). Court shoes are also helpful but not necessary for beginners. If you aren’t ready to jump in, try to find a court in your area and watch a few games. Many Pickleball courts are simply tennis courts transformed into Pickleball courts temporarily. The Links section below can help you get started.
PS - Once I started, I loved pickle ball and was actively playing several times a week for a few months before one weekend afternoon when I tore a calf muscle while playing. Apparently injuries are not that uncommon. My advice to others - stretch! (especially muscles you don’t think you will be using!) This resulted in physical therapy and unwanted downtime but I think I am about ready to get back on the pickleball court again!
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