I had never seen curling until a few years ago when I happened to see it during the Winter Olympics. Growing up, there wasn’t a place to try or even watch this sport. When I created my first list of 50 Things, curling was on it. I had a lot of difficulty finding somewhere to try it out.
While visiting Boston, I was thrilled to find out that there was a free curling space available to the public in the Seaport area. I was so excited that I was finally going to get my chance to try it out!
Since this was a free public space, there was only a not too happy gentleman working in the area whose job it was to hand out the curling sticks. (I am sure there must be a proper name for these but I don’t know what that is). As far as figuring out what to do, we (my husband and I) just tried to imitate what we saw others doing.
The first thing we realized is that most people do not curl like the athletes we see on the Olympics. Their form (and ours) was nothing like it! Even with our modified form, like that shown above, we were so sore! I’m sure with practice this wouldn’t hurt so much but our one time out proved to be painful!
I don’t expect to have another opportunity to try curling again and if I do, I will likely pass. Once it enough :)
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